Tuesday, 17 May 2011 12:59 am

You will be tested for mainly your commanding skills and this would include:

  1. Static drill command
  2. Marching drill command

You would be tested for the static part first. Subsequently, we will move on to the marching part.

For static drills, you are advised to not just memorise the Malay commands but also to understand what each command is asking for. A total of 10 static commands would be tested, you will be briefed on the procedure that day.

For marching drills, you would be tested for two things:

- Your ability to project your voices and shout the commands confidently and accurately.

- Your ability to observe, judge and train the guides during the marching.

This would be the procedure:

1a. The commander would be given a specific venue in school to march the contingent to. You will be tested a total of 15 circuit commands and the commands are to be decided by the commander. The commander will have to shout out 10 circuit commands from where she is standing. At the 10th command, the contingent has to stop at the specified location. After the 10th command, she may fall out from her position and walk to the contingent.

1b. You will demonstrate your ability to ‘train’ the contingent by giving out the remaining 5 commands (like how your mams would train you usually). You will also need to use these 5 commands (or more if required) to march the contingent back to the starting point (at the parade square, before the Catholic cross).


You will be tested for your ability to march correctly and to follow the commanders’ instructions.

For those who do not have a copy of the command list, you may want to take a look at them:

All the best,
Xiu Zhen mam

Sunday, 25 July 2010 11:22 am
Annual Cookie Sale!

Hello (:

The annual GGS cookie sale is back!

The cookie project helps to support all guiding activities and programmes so that we can empower our girls to be prepared with the skills in future. So, its for a good cause.

The four flavours of Chocolate Cream, Chocolate Mint, Chocolate Crunch and Oats & Raisin will each retail for $10, inclusive of GST. The new Oats & Raisin Cookie flavour will have 9 packets of cookies wrapped in foil, with each packet holding two cookies. The former macadamia nut flavour is no longer available as the manufacturer is not able to get a reliable supplier for the ingredients.

If you are interested, you can order via email/sms/fb msg/comment/tag.
Rmb to indicate flavour & quantity (:

Here's the orders so far (updated 25 July, Sunday, 1126hrs):
yushu: crunch x1
felina: crunch x1, oat x1
sabrina: mint x1
cassandra: oat x1
qin: crunch x1 (paid)
veralyn: oat x1

Help to spread the message around too! Everyone is welcomed to buy!!

With love,
Secretary Qin

Thursday, 24 June 2010 12:22 am
June Training Camp 2010

Hi girls

Its nearly 4 days after the camp. Hope all of you have had enough rest by now.
Like what hoon's album says, we are back 4 & 6 years after the unhappiness. Its a new start, a fresh beginning with new faces BUT in the same room, same location, same spirit. Lets all hope for the best!

Right now, i just want to say a big thank you to the camp planners (siew hoon, sabrina and veralyn), xiu zhen (CC), Jie min (ACC), all alumni trainers and not forgetting the teachers! Good job & well done. The camp is a success due to the effort put in by every single one of you. I believe the amount of time, effort and sweat will not be wasted.

Mrs Goh, Ms Bharathi, Mdm Zahra
Siow qin, Iffah
Siew Hoon, Sabrina, Felina, Weili, Veralyn, Yu shu, Cassandra
Madeline, Yi siew
Xiu zhen, Melissa
Jie min, Gloria, Huiying, Nazera

The camp has come to an end so whats next?

Yours in guiding
President Ong
(it has been more than a year since i have used this title to end a post. haha)

ps. always remember that HSCS guides company & alumni are unique.

Thursday, 17 June 2010 1:20 am
Camp logistics

Hi all!

The guides room is 90% ready with all the logistics already. For the convenience of Weili senior (Logistics IC), Felina senior and Veralyn senior, I've drawn a layout of the guides floorplan on the whiteboard. The logistics are categorised and arranged by the nature of activity for quick accessibility. So hopefully the photos can help yall get the places and locate the things easily. (:

The electricity in guides room was cut off by the time i took this photo. So pardon if the photos are not very clear..

A floorplan of the guides room. (click the pictures for a bigger view)

The black shelf (5 by 5), from left to right.

The blue shelf that is against the wall. J stands for japalang stuff.

Right now for logistics we only lack of trays (stove cooking). The trays will have to be brought up from the basement on the first day of camp. There's also a few items on the guides floor which have to be brought down to the basement (the basement was closed just now).

The rest will have to wait for them to arrive on the first day of camp.

Any questions about the photos sms or email me. (:

Xiu Zhen

Monday, 14 June 2010 11:30 am
June Training Camp '1o (Preparation)

Please be reminded that camp preparation starts tmr (15th June '10). All are to report to school by 1000 hrs and please don't be late! We shall start early and end early (:

Rmb to read through the email that Kathy sent, and go through the camp plan thoroughly!

Have plenty of rest tonight and gear up for busy days ahead! :D See you tmr!

With love,
Secretary Qin

Sunday, 13 June 2010 11:25 am
Alumni Shirt (updates #2)!

The shirts have arrived and we'll be distributing them on 15th June '10! For those who have not paid, please pass the money to KATHY PERSONALLY either during camp prep or camp itself. Rmb, it's S$18 per shirt.

Not paid:
siewhoon: Size S x2
jessica: Size S x1 (just pay Kathy when you are back in SG)
madeline: Size XS x1
melissa: Size XS x1
zhilin: Size XS x1 (with xiuzhen?)
kimberly: Size XS x1 (xiuzhen to collect)

With love,
Secretary Qin

Saturday, 22 May 2010 12:00 pm
Alumni Shirt (updates #1)!

We've changed the design of the Alumni Shirt. Iffah very kindly came up with a variation of the original design which made it look far more professional. Thanks girl! (:

This is how the new shirt would look like. Black words on a purple base (as voted by majority).

We've already asked for dry-fit material and the orders have been submitted. It would be S$18 per shirt so pls make payments asap!

Here's the finalized orders:
sabrina: Size S x2 PAID to K
felina: Size S x1, Size M x1 PAID to K
veralyn: Size S x2 PAID to Q
yushu: Size S x2 PAID to K
siewhoon: Size S x2
weili: Size S x1 PAID to K
jessica: Size S x1

qin: Size S x1 PAID to Q
kathy: Size XS x1 PAID to K
madeline: Size XS x1
xiuzhen: Size S x1 PAID to K
melissa: Size XS x1
zhilin: Size XS x1
victoria: Size XS x1 PAID to K
yunjing: Size XS x1 PAID to K
yisiew: Size S x1 PAID to Q
kimberly: Size XS x1

I would really appreciate if you could transfer via Ibanking/ATM. My account is POSB savings 126938110. Do drop me an email/sms/fb msg/comment/tag after you have done so!

Shirts will arrive before the June Camp! Yay! :D

With love,
Secretary Qin

Saturday, 8 May 2010 8:16 pm
Alumni Shirt!

We've decided to reprint the first Guides Shirt into the first Alumni Shirt. Design credits to Iffah, who drew this by hand 7 years ago. Amazingly, this is still the nicest shirt in my opinion (:

We've changed the colours of the shirt and some wordings. Iffah, if you're reading this, I hope you don't mind. We all love this design too much!

Here's how the shirt will look like (front & back), on a maroon base.

Anyway it should read "Girl Guides Alumni" as shown below:

Sizes will be as follows:
14" shoulder - Size XXS (34)
16" shoulder - Size XS (36)
18" shoulder - Size S (38)
20" shoulder - Size M (40)
22" shoulder - Size L (42)
24" shoulder - Size XL (44)

Material most likely dry-fit (to be confirmed).
Trying to make it v-neck, instead of round neck.

Those who are interested to get it , pls let me know by 12 May, Wednesday, 2359hrs.
You can drop me an email/sms/fb msg/comment/tag.
Do indicate the size & quantity.

Here's the orders so far (updated 8 May, Saturday, 2053hrs):
sabrina: Size S x2
felina: Size S x1, Size M x1
veralyn: Size S x2
yushu: Size S x2
siewhoon: Size S x2
jessica: Size S x1

qin: Size S x1

Feel free to ask if you have any doubts! And help to spread the message around too! Everyone is welcomed to buy!! Even the teachers/guiders/ex-guides/alumni/current Sec 4's (:

With love,
Secretary Qin

Tuesday, 13 April 2010 11:54 am
5 Batches of Girls Got Together!

Sorry! I'm slow in updating but better late than never! Haha :D

banana dance

playing wacko

roll call

We had a bonding session on 13 Apr 2010 for the girls from 04 Batch till the current Sec 3's. It was heartwarming to see that the girls got along well even though it was the first time some of them met each other.

As usual, the 06 Batch was the noisiest of the bunch so we got them to sit in between the quieter girls. I'm glad everyone made at least 1 new friend! (:

hungry girls are sad girls!

the Nothings!

group shot :D

After dinner, the alumni sat down to talk about the upcoming June Camp. I was very touched to see the 6 girls (Felina, Sabrina, Siewhoon, Veralyn, Weili, Yushu) taking up the various roles without hesitation. Truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart! (:

With love,
Secretary Qin

Sunday, 11 April 2010 6:17 pm
Promotion/Passing Down Ceremony 2010!

Congratulations to 2010 Court-of-Honour!

Company Leader: Chua YiTing
Asst. Company Leader: Kyee Koh
Senior Patrol Leader: Syairah Baker

Patrol Leader: Esther Low
Patrol Second: Samantha Yeo

Patrol Leader: Nur Amirah Sahrom
Patrol Second: Sarah Tan Zhen Le

Patrol Leader: Dicklin Chng
Patrol Second: Emily Permana

Patrol Leader: Charmaine Ng
Patrol Second: Tan Yan-Er

Patrol Leader: Nurul Amalina Yusof
Patrol Second: Fionn Lui

It was indeed an emotional day on Thursday. Old batch of COH stepped down to make way for the new blood. Plenty of tears, but I hope they are tears of joy. I teared too. It was hard not to, seeing that this is the 9th batch of girls after mine. This year, Kathy and I are toasting to 10 years in guiding (and her, even more, counting Brownie days).

New leaders, I really hope you can bring HSC Guides to greater heights. We all have a common dream, let's make that happen! (:

To those not promoted, please do not be disheartened. Every girl is special in her own way. Even if you are not suitable being a 'leader', the company still counts on you (every single one of you!) to make a difference. Uniformed Group is not a one-man show. Nobody can do this alone.

Most important of all, do not ever give up on Guides! Always believe we can do it, someday we really can. Let us show the world who we really are!! :D

Excited new faces!

Nerve-wrecking moment for the top 3!

Top 3 positions revealed!

Emotional CL - Yi Ting!

Top 3 addressing the company for the first time, with new PLs heading their patrols!

Oh and not forgetting newly appointed Alumni Vice-President Chua Xiu Zhen! Congratulations girl! You've come a long way. Thankyou for doing so much for the past few years. Keep it going!

Alumni leaders!

All leaders!

Rmb, "Rank does not confers authority, it implies responsibilities."

p/s. I'm like borrowing alot of words from others. HAHA. Can clearly rmb what everyone said! (:

With love,
Secretary Qin

Thursday, 8 April 2010 11:47 pm

On behalf of guides alumni, i shall extend my deepest congrats to the newly promoted court of honour (COH). Hope that you girls can really hold on to your promises and bring HSCS guides to greater height. Remember, commitment, responsibilities, initiative and good teamwork are the keys to success. Most importabtly, EARN THE RESPECT. The 8 of you shall hold on together, work hand in hand. 1 year later, you girls will be so proud of what you can actually achieve for the company.

I shall also extend my congrats to the newly appointed alumni VP. Be more confident of what you can achieve. Nothing is too difficult if you are willing to try.

Kathy Ong

ps. more updates by our beloved secretary tomorrow.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010 11:14 pm
Enrolment Ceremony 2010!

A big welcome to the new guides (all 16 of you!) to the family (:

Here are some photos from today. The rest are up on our Facebook page. Please feel free to join us at HSCS Guides (Facebook group).

Even though we had to do the horseshoe formation twice, the ceremony was carried out smoothly. I guess the Sec 1s were really nervous cos they speak so softly!! Sec 1s in reading - speak up ok! We won't bite. HAHA :D

Nevertheless, good job everyone! I'm really proud of you!

Sec 3's took over for cheers & games.

Last photo - Master Parade!

p/s. Sorry if the photos exceeded the margins! I didn't want to save low resolution photos in photobucket /:

With love,
Secretary Qin

Thursday, 1 April 2010 9:18 pm
Some photos!

I was browsing through the archives of the main blog when I came across these photos.

Ah, certainly brought back fond memories (; And I'm not sure why I went to GGS' website, guess who was on the page?! Our very own President, Kathy Ong. Way cool!

With love,
Secretary Qin

Monday, 29 March 2010 10:33 pm
updates updates!

Hi mamssssssssssssss! xiuzhen here! heh it's been a long long long time since i last posted here (09 dec 2008!) okay anyway, just a few quick updates about the upcoming trainings! :D

30th march (tues): NO CCA

31st march (wed): HSCS speech day, final rehearsal at 3.30pm, first command at 5pm

1st april (thurs): sec 3s' training (enrolment ceremony + planning), xz (me) in charge

6th april (tues): sec 1s' enrolment ceremony (1 hour) + sec 3s to take over training for observation purposes (2 hours)

7th april (wed): general meeting for you-all-know what stuff

8th april (thurs): sec 3s' promotion and stepping down (passing down of stuff to new exco)

yup that's all! feel free to come down yea? look forward to seeing yall (:


kathy mam say to add that seniors should only come down after the *ahem* meeting (7 april). which means 8 april. then can witness promotion too. emotional day..



chuaxiuzhen :D

Wednesday, 24 March 2010 10:50 pm
Seniors back in action!

Hello everyone,

It's me, the Secretary, back to blogging (:

I'm back to guiding (again) together with President Kathy and we're determined to make things work this time round. It has been so many years since we've graduated, but the passion is still so strong. No doubt we might have forgotten quite a bit of stuff, but it's the experiences that count. We hope to make the unit shine again like we did 6-7 years ago. We're positive it will (:

So here are some photos I managed to take today.

Guides Den

But whatever happened to our banner?

I rmb we used to design a new banner every few months and are always very proud of it - cos we always had the nicest banner hanged. Seriously, our in-house designer, Iffah, draws the best banners.

Veralyn's scribblings still there...

All cleaned up by Logistics, Hui Ying. Great job!

Our first guides shirt, designed by Iffah. And I think best design by far.

Lost and found boots.

Miniature gadgets!!

Mass-tin cooking lunch.

Song book! :D

Kathy and I actually rmb 90% of the songs / cheers in this book. I really wanna sing those cheers again!

Speech Day rehearsal. As usual, the attendance was bad, bad, bad. It seems to be a perpetual problem with guides. Maybe we can make a difference this time round.

To the basement! The light was spoilt (I was using flash). I wonder what is taking the school so long to repair just a bulb.

It's now in a much cleaner state when we first opened the room. I rmb we had to wear several layers of face masks and gloves before we entered.

And the day ended off with 'Project I' - not supposed to reveal so don't ask! And we were trying to train / test potential commanders by making them shout their wish for guides.

I shall stop abruptly here. Need to rush submissions!

p/s. Kathy must be so proud of me - I blogged a long entry!

p/p/s. For those interested in the past (how this started with just 3 guides), you can read the story here.

p/p/p/s. I'm trying to redo the layout of this blog. Any ideas, tag!! (:

p/p/p/p/s. Anybody interested to join guides alumni?? Especially the current Sec 4's? We sincerely welcome you! :D

the committee
President: Kathy Ong
Secretary: Siow Qin

the family that LOVES
Hscs Girl Guides' main site (old)
Hscs Girl Guides' main site (new)

the 04 batch
Kathy, SiowQin

the 06 batch
Veralyn, Sabrina, YuShu

the 07 batch
Madeline, Jessica, YiSiew, Aline, LeeKeat, XinYing, JiaYing

the 08 batch
Grace, XiuZhen, ZhiLin, Valentina, Audrey

the 09 batch
Salamahafifi, Kimberly, Victoria, YunJing, Elizabeth, JiaMin, Tiffany, WenXin, YunHan, Audrey Joanne, Nicole

the memory walk
thinking day 2005
thinking day 2007
recruitment 2007
bbq 2007
alumni gathering 220207
guides farewell 2006
speech day 2006
gathering 14032007
gathering at sentosa 14062007


January 2007

February 2007

March 2007

April 2007

June 2007

July 2007

September 2007

November 2007

December 2007

January 2008

February 2008

March 2008

April 2008

May 2008

June 2008

July 2008

August 2008

September 2008

December 2008

March 2009

March 2010

April 2010

May 2010

June 2010

July 2010

May 2011

tell US more
kathy-2812 [at] hotmail [dot] com
cxz_blueillusion [at] hotmail [dot] com
siowqin [at] yahoo [dot] com [dot] sg
hscs_girlguides [at] hotmail [dot] com

our profession -talk